Uniswap Wallet is available now

Built by the most trusted team in DeFi, get the power of Uniswap in your pocket. With Uniswap Wallet, you can easily create a new Ethereum wallet or import an existing wallet.


We're excited to announce that you can now go directly to DeFi with the Uniswap mobile wallet! You can download it here in the iOS App Store.

The Uniswap mobile wallet is the easiest way to trade tokens on the go. Our thousands of early access users love it. Starting today anyone can:

  • Seamlessly swap on Mainnet, Polygon, Arbitrum, and Optimism

  • Discover top tokens by market cap, price charts, and volume

  • Favorite tokens and wallet addresses to stay up to date on trends and activity

  • Connect to any app on Mainnet or L2s with WalletConnect

  • See NFT details like floor price, owner, and collection description

  • Choose your security method with manual or encrypted iCloud backups

  • Get notified of any onchain activity with push notifications

  • Buy crypto using fiat with fees as low as 2.55%, vs. 5% on other popular wallets

Safe, simple swapping & self-custody

You need a self custodial wallet to do just about anything onchain --- swap tokens, buy NFTs, purchase crypto, or use apps. Self-custody makes DeFi safer and ensures your crypto can't be misused by a centralized party. But too many people get stuck at the starting line. We get thousands of user support tickets from Uniswap Web App users confused by wallets. So, we're proud to bring you a self-custodial wallet that is simple, safe, and easy to use.

As the most trusted team in DeFi, we're obsessed with security. After a thorough security audit from Trail of Bits, we open-sourced the mobile wallet so you can review the code yourself.

Creating your wallet should be as easy as creating an email address - now it is with Uniswap mobile wallet.

How do I get my wallet?

Apple approved the wallet for use globally.

Our early access TestFlight users can head to the iOS App Store to download the app --- all the information and wallets you've loaded to the TestFlight version will automatically migrate.

Last updated